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Residential Seamless Gutters

Believe it or not, there is a lot to consider when looking at a gutter system for your home. There’s the type of gutter, material and size that all make up a system that works for you. A properly installed gutter system can greatly reduce, and in most cases eliminate, drainage problems.

MEI only works with superior brands that provide the look & feel you are going for. We don’t have sales incentives from dealers, so you won’t get a pushy sales pitch promoting one brand over the other.

What can you expect with a properly installed gutter system? REDUCTION in:

  • Water in the basement due to excess rain or an early thaw
  • Moisture build-up behind siding and fascia boards
  • Wear and tear on siding, window casings, decks, and garage doors
  • Erosion of expensive landscaping caused by rain washing it away
  • Direct melting snow and ice from dripping on walkways and parking lots

Gutter Protection

We install Leaf Free Gutter Protection. This system is by far the finest and most advanced gutter protection system on the market today. Featuring custom color options for matching your existing roof and/or gutters, this system guarantees that you’ll never have to clean your gutters again.

Types of Gutters

Seamless (recommended)

Unlike the seams found in sectional gutters – the main advantage to seamless gutters it that they are just that. Seamless. This eliminates the possibility of leaks and extends the life of your gutter system. Formed by a gutter machine, for precise measurement to your home, seamless gutters are made from aluminum. The sections join on the inside, outside corners and at the downspout outlets.


Sectional gutters are made of painted aluminum, prepainted steel or vinyl and are joined together by snap-in-place connectors. These are typically sold in 10 to 22 foot long pieces. The down side to sectional gutters is you will eventually see leaks through the seams. It is because of this defect that MEI will only install seamless gutters.


For standard applications MEI installs 2” X 3” downspouts. In high flow situations, 3” X 4” downspouts may be recommended.

Custom Seamless Gutters

Masterpiece Exteriors offers custom seamless gutter installations for commercial buildings and industrial buildings. Contact us to discuss your project.

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